
The Epilepsy Association Scholarship Program is payable through the Epilepsy Fund of WNY, Inc. and made possible by a generous donation from the estate of Mr. Dennis Durfee who had epilepsy and lived, worked and attended school in Western New York. Two $1500.00 scholarships will be awarded annually.

To be eligible the applicant must be diagnosed with Epilepsy/seizure disorder, reside in one of the Western New York counties served by the Epilepsy Association of WNY, Inc. and be enrolled/accepted in a two year or four year college/university or in graduate school on a full time or part time basis (at least 6 Credit hours).

Type of Scholarship
A scholarship of $1500.00 will be awarded to two individuals who have epilepsy/seizure disorder based on the individual’s motivation to accomplish his/her educational and career goals, potential for scholarship, academic achievement and financial need.

Application Procedure

Please contact the Epilepsy Association at 716-883-5396 or click the link below for an application. The completed application must be postmarked and mailed to the Association office no later than May 15th.

Two recommendations are required, one personal (ex. Teacher, employer) and one from the physician attending the individual. Recommendation forms are included with the application and must be returned to the Association no later than May 15th.

Selection Procedure
The Scholarship Committee of the Epilepsy Association of WNY, Inc. will review all applications, conduct personal interviews and select the award recipients. The Executive Director will approve the recommendation and the award recipients will be notified in writing by June 15, 2025.

The scholarship of $1500.00 will be paid directly to the individual upon verification of the recipient’s enrollment/acceptance in school. Individuals may re-apply each year. Being selected as an Epilepsy Scholarship recipient in a specific academic year does not guarantee you will be selected in subsequent year.

The Epilepsy Association Scholarship Program Application 2025

Application Dead line: May 15, 2025